The MOJO Story
In June 2022, Julie Stevens faced a life-altering moment when, at the age of 43, she received an unforeseen colon cancer diagnosis. Remarkably, Julie had no family history, exhibited no symptoms, and was even younger than the recommended screening age of 45. With a stage 4 colon cancer diagnosis, she was given a 14% chance of survival. Undeterred by these odds, Julie took charge of her health, using her strengths to give her every advantage.
Recognizing the significance of a holistic approach to her cancer journey, Julie joined forces with Oscar Sierra, an esteemed cancer specialist, Licensed Acupuncturist, and Registered Herbalist. With Oscar's expert guidance, Julie crafted a multifaceted strategy including using genomic data to predict treatment success, monitoring treatment efficacy through blood biomarkers, preparing her body to reduce the likelihood of side effects, and crafting a proactive lifestyle, environmental, and nutrition plan.
Julie applied five life-saving tips (as seen below) with unwavering determination.
The result?
An incredible transition from diagnosis to being cancer-free in an astonishing nine months.
Our unwavering mission at MOJO Health is to extend the same empowering advantages that propelled Julie’s success to health to every single newly diagnosed cancer patient. We believe in equipping everyone with the tools, insights, and support they need for a resilient and successful path to life-long wellness.
For more information on Julie's personal story, please visit her webpage, Prescription MOJO.