MOJO Focus Group
MOJO Health exists to educate, empower, and create healthcare equity. We are working to launch an exciting new tool that will help make most side effects from conventional treatment optional, but we need your help to make sure the user experience is stellar!
Please join us to see a sneak peek at our holistic palliative care strategy builder so you can identify any side effects from your treatment approach and understand exactly how you can armor up to prepare your body with botanicals and nutraceuticals, what diet/lifestyle options exist to help reduce the risk, and how you can build your team to best heal and have MOre JOy.
Please join us to get a sneak peek of what we are building and to share your feedback so we can help every single person newly diagnosed with cancer to build a holistic healing strategy to give true healthcare equity across the globe!
What? Join us for a 1 hour focus group where we will share our strategy builder approach, allow you time to go in and build your own strategy, and ask you for feedback on the experience overall and how we can evolve this to make it even easier and more valuable for patients and caregivers.
Tuesday November 28 - 8pm EST - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87212959991?pwd=RnVyTUVCaG81V2lyT1BoWmwxTSs5Zz09
Saturday December 2 - 11am EST - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86233178614?pwd=SGszSTlYcEx0UjI2Sno4OUo3SUlpZz09
Monday December 4 - 8pm EST - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81369026834?pwd=T1JYcGZpd0tpL3JieGJuZDU5VmM2QT09
Wednesday, December 6 - 7pm EST - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86257416564?pwd=ZlNpNkprUkJpMkZwUnNuc0kwNkxQQT09
Sunday December 10 - 12pm EST - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87411976459?pwd=aS9iOXFXVlVlMXpDRUhGcTlNQVFmdz09
How? Once you have registered with us, we will also send a calendar invite. Please copy this zoom link and add this to your calendar.
Please RSVP below