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Did You Know?
You don't have to suffer during cancer treatment.
We can help you solve for side effects.
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is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization to educate and empower people to transform their experience of health and healing.

Have you ever wondered...

If you have... then MOJO Health is for you.

MOJO Healing

How to Build a Holistic Healing Strategy & Maximize Joy

Our founder, Julie Stevens, survived stage 4, aggressive, chemo-resistant, inoperable colon cancer in nine months by using data to guide her holistic healing strategy.  Her book, MOJO Healing, is a workbook designed to give you every advantage she had on her healing journey.

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MOJO Rising: How to Make Cancer Suck Less is now available on all streaming platforms!  This podcast is designed to shine the light on all factors influencing your healing journey - from holisitic healing methodologies to financial wellness after diagnosis.  Please email if you have topic ideas for a future podcast!

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Teaching You Ways to Outmaneuver Side Effects

MOJO Health Strategy Builder

We have partnered with healing experts across the globe to identify a list of supplements, diet/lifestyle modifications, and facilitated healers you should consider adding to your healing strategy.  We have done the hard work to make your healing journey as easy and joyful as possible!      


Are you newly diagnosed and wondering... what now? 
Click here for a message from our Founder.

MOJO Health Information's Sister Company - More Joy Health - was designed to help you hit the easy button while healing!  


We have sourced the highest quality supplements and healing tools to make your journey as JOYFUL as possible.  A portion of every dollar spent supports MOJO Health Information.

MOJO Health Registry

People want to support you - but they don't really know how... until now.  


Tired of getting coloring books, casseroles, and flowers that wither and die? 

Need help paying for your healing strategy? 

Supplements are expensive.  We understand!  We are doing everything we can to make it accessible to the average person!

Want to be able to direct people on how they can best help you? 


Now you can build a strategy to bring together the best of conventional and traditional healing - and hand-craft a registry so your community can buy you the things you need to heal, not things that will collect dust or be given away.   

About Us

We are a collection of people committed to building a brighter future for people with cancer.

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